I already miss it!
I admit that I’m already spoiled. My daily routine the last couple of days was to get out of bed, brew coffee and make pancakes for me and the rest of the crew.
No pancakes today 🙁
At 11 am we have to show up at Sierra Surgery in Carson City and at 1 pm Dr.Fry will start removin the fragment of disk that is herniated and pushes right onto a nerve which causes all that pain as well as weakness and numbness in my right leg.
Surgery will take appr. 90 minutes using minimal invasive state of the art techniques 🙂
Just to be safe I will stay in hospital for a night and leave on Saturday heading back for the hospitality of Dale and Jen.
Meanwhile my Dad came over from Germany and I’m happy to have part of my family around. Even though I screwed my Dad’s plan to hike a section of the PCT together he might still do that after the surgery with Alina as she is getting kind of restless again (everybody knew that would happen 😉 ).
I have to wait what happens. Soon after the surgery I will go to physical therapy and then we’ll get a better idea of how much time it really needs to get me back on the trail.
Thanks for all the comforting entries in our guestbook on trailjournals.com as well as on our homepage and thanks for all your emails and phonecalls.
Being that far away from home, family and friends in Germany that phenomenal support here in the U.S. makes us stay really optimistic for the rest of the trip 🙂
Alina and Sauerkraut