day 37, May 30th

Resupply day in Mojave

Again we tried our luck with hitching. At 6.15 a.m. I stood there holding up the PCT bandana which sais „Hiker to town“, Carsten poked his thumb out, so it was unmisakebly clear what our intrension was: to get to town! We were surely getting hungry and in our minds the pancake stakes grew in size and number.

After like half and hour I started getting angry, so many big and empty cars passing by, the drivers either ignoring us or driving slower in order to read what the bandana says but not stopping.

It was cold outside and we were hungry so when eventually a two seater pick-up slowed down I couldn’t believe that he actually did stop! Our breakfast wasn’t to be a phantasy any more 🙂 We hopped onto the open trunk and there we went – finally!

On the way to the diner we ran into Krispie, The Jannetor and Bams and they told us about how difficult their hitching was. Dr. Tart got really angry, too, and they have it on tape.

After a shower in their room Dr. Bob and his wife showed up and gave us two big bags full of snacks, sweets and other treats! It was like Christmas, we were all foraging through these goodies and picked out items. So Dr. Bob gave away all this stuff because he and his wife had decided to stop their hike. He had done it before
and this time he felt it was too much. He is 69. On the PCT-L he had conducted some interesting interviews and it was so good to again meet someone from the list. Well, he has made some hikers happy with the food.

Oh, Inaki, now named Rainskirt showed up. He changed into his silnylon skirt to do his laundry and for me he looked more like a gladiator.

After that we moved to Motel 6 where we are now, sharing a room. Funnily next door there were Restless Wind’s and Twisted Sister’s shoes. So soon after there were PCTers in front of the rooms chatting, eating.

We did our food shopping tour, at the post office we met more hikers. To be in a foreign town and to meet people you know, nice.

Carsten lays on the bed next to me but still on his belly. Hope he will be able to sleep in the bed tonight.

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